Hi, On Tuesday I had a sore throat and on Wednesday evening my left ear began to hurt. It felt like my ear needed to pop . We live at 6,000 foot elevation, so when we came down the mountain to go to work yesterday morning it did eventually pop when we were on level ground. When it did it really hurt and it sounded like a squeak when it popped. It didn t hurt all day yesterday, but once again when we went to go home (back up the mountain) I got that feeling of pressure once more. Yesterday my nose was runny all day, clear in color. Today I have the feeling of pressure in that ear and everything is muffled (not horrible) but it definitely sounds different than my right ear. My nose is runny again today (clear) and I have a post nasal drip cough. I am thinking about going to urgent care this afternoon because I do not want this to get worse over the weekend. Your thoughts?? Thanks, Suzanne Phelps (California)