Hello dear
Understand your concern
First you have to find the cause of
premature ejaculation.
Following are the causes: Performance/sexual anxiety,fatigue, obesity, excessive stress,
hypertension, diabetes,
alcoholism and smoking.
You have to consult the
urologist or psychiatric to find the cause cause of problem after following investigations: health check up, blood sugar,
lipid profile, color doppler USG of scrotum, CBC and ESR.
I give following advice:
Avoid stress during the sex, do sex when you feel energetic, do kegel's pelvic exercise, hold urine for some time before and during urination, use condoms with lidocaine gel or double condom, try women on top position,
Avoid smoking and alcohol, do regular exercise like walking and yoga daily in the morning for 45-60 minutes, avoid spicy, salty and fatty food.
Drink plenty of waters, eat high protein diet and diet rich in vitamin C , E, A, almonds, tablet Co Q and fresh fruits.
If all above advice will not work then you have to take silednafil plus paroxentine 30-40 minutes before the sex after proper evaluation.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further query.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar