This is due to
allergy. Such type of chemical is known to cause allergy. Allergy occurs when your immune system reacts to a foreign body. Foreign body may medicine like hair dye, pollen, animal dander, dust and insect venom etc. Chemical are known to cause
contact dermatitis which is a form of allergy. The best treatment of allergy/contact dermatitis is to avoid allergens.
1. Stop using all kinds of hair remover cream
Dexamethasone 0.5 mg orally twice daily after meal for 7 days
3. Hydroxyzine10 mg three times daily per oral daily for 5 days
4. Apply
betamethasone cream locally every 8 hours for 10 days
Ibuprofen 600 mg orally after meal if pain occurs. Otherwise avoid it
6. Drink plenty of water at least 4 –5 liters daily
7. Do not scratch as it will cause skin damage and infection
8. Keep fingernails clean and short
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