A week ago, I was pulling weeds and had 2 spots show up on my arm from where I was carrying the weeds. At first, there were 2 welts (like hives), and then the spots blistered. There were little black hair looking things coming out of both spots, so I assumed I probably had a caterpillar touch my arm. Sores developed where the blisters were, and the scabs have fallen off as of this morning; however, I continue to get little bumps around the areas affected, it is red and itches like crazy. I have treated with cortisone cream and benadryl cream, and while it controls the redness and itching for a short period, the bumps, redness, and itching return. Could this possibly just be an allergic reaction to the hypothetical caterpillar? And if so, since it s been a week, should I seek medical treatment or just continue to treat at home?