Neck lymph nodes are usually enlarged due to local infection. These nodal swellings usually take time to resolve completely even after clearance of infection. You have not written the complete
biopsy report. You can write it later.
Sleep apnea needs to be treated under specialist who is specialized in treating such patients. For this, please
consult a pulmonologist.
Cefixime 100 mg daily per oral daily for 7 days
Ibuprofen 600 mg per oral after meal if pain occurs. Otherwise avoid it
3. Start workout in gym at least for half an hour for 4 – 5 days in a week regularly
4. Avoid eating high energy foods such as cakes, chocolates, chips etc.
5. Avoid alcohol and smoking
6. Increase consumption of high fiber diet such as wheat bread, dry date, vegetables etc
7. Drink 3 – 4 liters of water daily
8. Chew the food properly to make it easily digestible
9. Divide your meals into smaller portions and eat them frequently during the day
10. Avoid oily & spicy food
11. Investigation
a. Complete blood count
b. ESR
c. Chest X ray PA view
I hope this information will help you. I will be happy if you ask another question