I have recently been having more liquidy cum than usual and there have been lumps of jelly like stuff that come out as well. I have a slight aching/pain in my right testicle but not my left. When ever I feel around I don t feel anything on the actual testicle besides like tiny dots up at the top where the string/pipe like thing is I guess.. Not too sure, but they re like super tiny I doubt it s anything. What I m worried about is a mass, not hard but rather soft, sitting up at the top of my right testicle. When I feel it I can tell it is separate from the actual testicle itself, but I really have no idea what it is and the left side doesnt have this or at least not to the extent of the right side.I m just a bit worried with all these occurring at once out of the blue, as well as my grandad just passing away recently having testicular cancer. The mild pain, watery cum, jelly like clumps, and the lump like thing are all just strange and I m really nervous to go to my family doctor and ask about it. On top of that I have no idea how to bring it up with my dad. Any help is much appreciated!