Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS ) is a common disease in young female ( child bearing age group).
The most characteristic features are irregular or dysfunctional
menstruation or
amenorrhea ( no menses for 3-4 months ) , weight gain ( obesity ) ,
hirsutism acne , alteration in FSH/LH ratio, androgen excess, ovarian stroma changes.
All these findings are common in PCOS cases.
Since your doctor advise you
ginet 84 i.e
hormonal treatment for PCOS.
After stopping the drug , you didn't gain weight but this was due to the fact that your pcos symptoms were under control due to ginet 84 .
For one year you didn't gain weight because your pcos symptoms were regulated by ginet and once effect was over symptoms re started .
No doubt ,you are maintaining your diet and also doing exercise , but this is no sufficient .
So in my opinion consult your gynaecologist and take a treatment for pcos and once it will be under control , you will not gain weight and your menstruation irregularity will be regular.
Good luck.