Hi,I am facing an itching problem for quite a sometime now. It happens in such a way that itching starts and the affected areas gets red if i does not take medication. The itching and redishness does not happen if i take some anti-allergic medicine such as Teczine or Atarax. When i first approached the Doctor, i was recommended to apply some lotion as she had a perception that it may be due to dry skin but when i visited here next time, she had recommended me the table Atarax but it did not helped me.Atarax helped only when i took a tablet of it.I wanted to get rid of Atarax so that i should not get dependent of any such tablet so, i visited another doctor. She recommended me Montek LC in the morning and Teczine in the night after dinner. And some precautions such as avoiding the food that are red in color such as tomato ketchup etc.
I have followed that for one month but of no use. It is in control only when i take the medicine Teczine, Montek or Atarax. When i stop it, then itching does not happens for atleast 2-3 days but it starts again from 3rd or 4th day and prevails until i take a dose.
Please help me to avoid taking these medicines as i do not want to get dependent on these medicines. These tablets affects me with drowsiness which cause lots of problems and disturb regular lifestyle whenever i take a dose. Is there any natural food or source of food that can help me instead of taking a dose that causes drowsiness.
Thanks in advance for your advice.