Hi, I helped my mom and my sister lift some boxes and bins after a garage sale on Sunday 10/5/14. On Tuesday I started feeling like a pulled muscle on upper left side of my back so I figured it ll go away but then the pain became excruciating radiating from my back to my left part of my chest and breast. My husband can see the spasm but the excruciating pain continues as of today 10/16/14! This has never happened before and I am frightened. I have been taking Ibuprofen and a heating pad. It gets much more intense when lying in bed, so I ve been falling asleep sitting down on the sofa. I am not physically active and live a sedentary life, 35 lbs overweight, female, and 43 yrs old so I figure this is why I am paying the price for not having a strong back. I also used the heating pad on my chest and developed a dime size itchy rash on my left breast where I am feeling the bad pain like on my back. Please help me as I am getting anxiety from worrying about how long this spasm is lasting and where the pain is. Thank You................Annette