Dear Dr. I have a question regarding a small wound I found on my penis the other day (Wednesday I believe). And I am not sure whether it really is something bad (STD), or just I played too roughly when jerking him off. I noticed this because of a striking burning pain when I took a shower. I found 1 red mark, that one disapepared the day after I noticed this. 1 small wound, about 2-4 mm in the diameter. Wasn t really circular shaped, but sort of yet clearly not. It bleeded a tiny bit now and then like a friction wound, It burned too when water got applied (until I started using Bacitracin Neomycin). Lastly a bit skin peels off now and then (especially after shower when it gets all dry). The color is red/pink. Another tiny wound similar to above, but it was only about 1 mm wide and seems to be gone now. All located around the foreskin of the backside of the Penis. But now the biggest wound is almost gone. The others are all gone. The only sex I had was a hand job some weeks ago from a girl - unprotected. Otherwise it has been more than a year since an intercourse. Thank you for your time.