Hello dear,
Understand your concern.
Dear never pope up the lesion: it causes deep infection.
Following are the cause of bumps near vagina
1. Bacterial infection: as it is moist area
2. STDs
3. Bartholin's cyst: Bartholin cyst generally not associated with pain if it is small and uninfected. But the burning pain inside the vagina may be due to
genital tract infection. Bartholin cyst sometime get ruptured and lead to infection inside vagina.
4. Fungal infection
5. Dermatitis
Following are the treatment:
neosporin and
hydrocortisone with cotrimazole for at least 72 hr. If Not response to ointment
Maintain hygiene as below:
Wear loose, cotton underwear
Bathe or shower frequently
Wash vagina with warm and salt water after urination to maintain hygiene
Change out of sweaty or wet clothing as soon as possible
Do use hygiene sprays
add yogurt and other fermented foods to your diet to promote healthy bacteria
Reduce the amount of sugar you eat.
If not resolved consult gynecologist and do test for all above disease by following test.
Pelvic examination
Gram stain and culture
PCR and nucleic acid amplification test:swab should be taken from urethra
Hope this may help you.
Best regards
Dr. sagar