Hello, i am a 19 year old male with a great concern that has been bothering me for years. I have this, bruise like, dark spot on the foreskin of my penis. I have had this spot for years since i was 9 i think. I also masterbate a lot, i started at 8 and still do it constantly today, its hard to stop. there is also this redness in the the center of this Spot but thats only after masterbating, but it turns a little white when i go a couple of days without masterbation. the spot isn t painful or itchy, or anything. The spot also happens to be where i place my thumb during masterbation. what the hell is this spot!?!?! i can t find anything like it on google or anything because i don t know what my symptom is called and its embarrassing and crushes my spirit, please help!!!