Burning pain from C4-5 area, T1-2, T6-7, L4-5 and S1-2 on only the left side of my body. Numb spots right next to and down the spine, corresponding to each area, and a numb spot on the back of my shoulder/upper arm which wraps around to almost the middle of my arm - total of about a 4 square area. All of this is on the left side. Onset began with my neck in August 2014 and has progressed down the spine to the new L4-5/S1-2 area as of about 8 weeks ago. I have muscle cramps on the left side in both my neck, buttock/hamstring, and outer thigh. No foot pain. Difficulty walking at times, left foot occasionally catches but not often. I had a migraine begin on 12/26/13 and remain constant and continuous until 2/18/15. Since then, it leaves for a period of 2-5 hours every few days, but returns. My neurologist is aware of all of these conditions and is treating the migraine. She says the back pain is not related. I ve had 5 MRIs of the brain, 2 CT scans of the brain, an EEG, and an EMG. All were normal. I have had a spinal MRI of the lower back and it only showed a slight bulge at L3. I have had a spinal MRI of the neck and it showed a very very small amount of constriction at C3-5, but not enough to really matter according to both the pain clinic that I attend, which specializes in spinal and nerve pain, the neurologist, or my general practitioner. I am not and cannot ever be pregnant as I have had a hysterectomy. I am a 35 year old female, white.