hello. im healthy 42 yo female living in italy, on no oher meds and without other health conditions other than described below.( last time i took antibiotics was 10 years ago (amoxicillin) for skin cysts after infected hair follicle in mole.) Today it's Saturday morning and I've been on augmentin 875/125 powder 2 times a day since Wednesday morning after being bitten my wounded& traumatized kitty at the vets the afternoon before on my middle finger right above the first joint with one deeper and one very superficial puncture wound. I had swelling after 5 hours and went to the ER, got tetanus shot. kitty is 9mos now, found her on street when she was 2 weeks, has had all her shots EXCEPT rabies. I have two questions please: one, my finger hasn't gotten worse but is still swollen hr dame amount as at first, still warm, still stiff and the middle joint sore to the touch. Also surface of skin on inside of both top and middle knuckle joints feels slightly numb to the touch, and because of swelling don't yet have full range of motion in that finger. no other redness or symptoms in hand. first question: are
the antibiotics working? and should I go back for a different perscription? today will be day 4 out of a 6-day course. and is bere anything else i can do to help the finger heal, drain lymph, heat apply? second question: the ER doctor didn't seem concerned about rabies, kitty is indoor house cat comes outside with me on leash, has never had contact with hoer cats, is there any reason for me to be concerned or need a rabies vaccination?
thank you so very much!