I am having moderate pain in my right flank. I have had about two weeks of constipation, followed by four days of yellow-colored, mucousy diarrhea. While I m not sure if this next part is related to this, I feel I should tell you: a few days prior to the onset of diarrhea, my upper right arm had a severe burning sensation lasting more than twelve hours, with a sporadic sharp pain in my right pinky and ring finger and the correlating toes. That pain would last for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. When the burning sensation subsided, a small blotchy red spot appeared on my arm where the burning sensation first manifested. That spot then became blistery. Again, I m not sure if this is important but thought I d mention it, nonetheless. Anyway, after the four days of the diarrhea (which was nearing incontinence) I seem to have become constipated, once again. The pain just below my rib cage radiates on both sides and makes it difficult to inhale normally, sleep, get comfortable, even walk fully upright. I ve been trying to eat food high in fiber and drink lots of water but my stomach churns just thinking about food. Is there something actually wrong or is this something with which I m going to have to learn to live? I appreciate any guidance/advice you can offer. Thank you!