Hello- My grandson is 7.3 years old. He is experiencing 6-8 teeth coming in his tiny little jaw. I can see two back molers coming in on top and atleast 3-4 on top. He has such a tiny mouth, I am concerned he is having a lot of pain because his tiny mouth needs to get rid of the others first and some of them are not falling out. My son says this is normal. Why do men in their 30's have such a hard time with mom's just doing their job. My son and grandchild live with me and my son's step dad. Its reallly rough being a women in this home of Big T surges. If one is crabby they all get cabby. My son asked me to help him raise the child because my son is not married and has asbegers syndrome with low T. My son is very intelligent, but he did miss out on some development like I did but in time I know he will be a more seasoned Dad. This time is precious for us because we have had a chance to heal from his childhood and traveling to doctors all over East coast. Now 33 he finds it difficult to focus, has mood swings but not bad and gets anxious, which I think he got that from me and I got it from Mom. I cope 100% better than ever at the age of 63. My trouble is I a borded with out a job. I want to work from home because I pick up my grandson at 245. I have been in medical, self studied health and nutrition, retail sales ( managment and Assistiant Director, Assistant at Chiropractors office) G*D Bless