hey there, in the last year i have put on a massive 5 stone and i'm now 16 stone!!!!! I am a 22 year old male but dont ever seem to have the energy or motivation to actually get up and do it. I am currently on sertraline- the highest dosage im able to have per day for depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder and ocd. They say that after you have gotten up and worked hard chemicals are released in your brain and it makes you feel good, but with me thats not the case, I just feel worse. It just makes me feel like i havent achieved anything, in my mind it just says 'so what, even if you lose weight your just going to put it all back on again so whats the point' Please help me, I am stuck in a real horrid deep hole and being this weight is just getting me more deppressed, whats wrong with me?!