Respected Sir , I born in 1965 and was having Peptic Ulcer Symptoms in year 1994 and was given OMEPRAZOL ? OCID Tablet for a year or so . Thereafter , I was quite OK . Recently , for last seven months or so , after reaching my office in morning ( after climbing two story , I started feeling fast breathing rate , which continues for two minutes or so . TREATING THIS AS A +ve SIGNAL OF ing problems in HEART , I WENT for Laboratory Tests to fing Whether There is any danger / risk of HEART ATTACK ? All TESTS LIKE ECG , ULTRASCOUND , ECHO-CARDIOGRAPHY etc. WERE OK and normal rxcept results of TRADE MILL TEST ( which according to Doctor , indicates medium Risk ) . The test continued for 15 minutes or so and I was feeling OK during Trade Mill Test except in last two to three minutes I felt high breathing rate . NOW , doctors says for ANGIOGRAPHY for confirmation and further says that most probably STUNT has to be implanted . ______MY QUESTION IS ---I WANT TO AVOID ANGIOGRAPHY AND IMPLANTATION OF STUNT ? IS IT POSSIBLE ?