About 6 weeks ago while sitting at work, my pulse started racing, about 120 beats per minute with mild chest pressure. I had the same experience again later that night. I went to the doctor the next morning. She did an EKG, gave me nitro and baby asprin, shoved an IV in my arm and sent me to the ER by ambulance. No heart attack. The symtoms continued and I ended up in the ER again a few days later. I saw a cardiologist - EKG showed an abnormal T-wave. Two weeks later I did a stress test - All good, no heart problems, EKG back to normal. I wore an event monitor for two weeks and recorded several events. From the monitor the cardiologist saw my pulse raise from 110 to 120, resting. She said that since the heart rythum was normal, she was not worried and discharged me from her care. I had a doctor order me Xanex to rule out panic attact. By the way, my chest x-rays were clear, all blood work normal - nothing out of normal other than high cholesterol. At my last visit with the cardiologist, my blood pressure was high 150/99. Now, the racing heart has subsided, but the chest pressure is almost constant. Per doctor s orders, I am checking my blood pressure two times a day - morning and night. It has been high (130+/95+) in the morning and (150+/100+) at night. My primary care gave me something for heartburn - after a week, no change, not better. I haven t felt good for 6 weeks. I know my body is telling me something is wrong. I just don t know where to go from here.