Hi welcome to HCm
I have gone thru your query regarding hip pain with tngling in ankle and foot .
feeling pains anywhere ,is very common feature to be experienced by one and all . causes of pains can be many , Pain is not a disease by it self, It may be outcome of any disease . Your long lasting osteo
arthritis for several years, may be base of your hip pain and
tingling which leads to
disability as the damaged joint is no longer able to move properly.
Gulping on only medicines will not help cure unless you modify yourlife style and food habits
Fortunately, there are certain nutrients and foods that may help to maintain your weight and reduce inflammation .
Gas formation is the prominent symptom bothering anywhere from head to toe .
I would like to suggest you to modify your life style and food habits for strengthening your Immune system .
A regular balanced diet including all essential nutrients and antioxidants - fiber , vitamins , minerals in natural form , fresh fruit ,veges ,ginger, garilc
Aloe vera juice ,
A spoon of turmeric powder + Almond oil with a cup of hot milk at bed time help eliminating gas /acidity ,
Lemon juice in a glass of warm water with a pinch of salt and black pepper
sufficient sleep , hyderation help eliminate gas (VAT Tatv) ,
doing exercise - back bending only , no front bending allowed
stretching , walking ,yoga - Bhujjangasan,Dhanurasan , Sarpasan , Shallabhasan, Vajjarassan , Ushtrasan , Kapalbhatti Pranayam -deep breething
meditation all give resistance from health problems if done under guidance of trained guide and help alley pains ,help stay healthy.
Avoid fried fast foods too much of sugar, tea, coffee ,alcohol , smoking ,stress ,
constipation .
Take total rest for 2 -3 days in case of
severe pain , Hot pack apllication on hip , after applying relaxent ointment gives instant relief .
Hope this helps solves your query .Take care , All the best .
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further query