I have gone through your query and can understand your health concerns...
As per y complain it seems that due to intake of steroids and antibiotics there is
fungal infection leading to formation of thick white layer over the surface of tongue and the condition is known as Thrush or
Oral Candidiasis..
The white layer is not saliva but is formation of cheesy white layer over surface of tongue due to fungal infection...
The V shaped inflamed taste buds are Circumvallete Papillae which are slightly elevated structures and not necessarily inflamed but there can be some Inflammation due to fungal infection...
You should consult your treating Surgeon as you already have appointment and if Thrush is confirmed he can reduce the dose of antibiotics and steroids and advice you to take Antifungal medicines like Fluconazole and
Itraconazole orally for 2 weeks, gargle with Nystatin mouthwash and take antifungal lozenges..
Take plenty of Probiotics like Yoghurt and Garlic..
sore throat and inflamed taste buds warm saline gargles can relieve..
Maintain a good
Oral hygiene but avoid antimicrobial mouthwash..
Drink plenty of water as Thrush can cause dry mouth...
Hope this information helps..