I can understand your concern about the
ultrasound report of fibroid following
irregular periods over last 2 month. These are small swellings in the muscle layer of the wall of the womb. They develop and are sustained in younger age group under the influence of female hormone - oestrogen. And, they shrink and disappear as the oestrogen's recede in the bode after
menopause. Fibroids can be reported in 7 out of 10 women. The important thing to note is - whether they are causing you significant symptoms. The common problems that can happen in presence of fibroid are - painful and
heavy periods, issues with
fertility and early
pregnancy, miscarriages and difficulties during pregnancy, childbirth and after delivery. The size and location of the fibroid can influence the problems that show up in a woman. Often if they are small and located towards the outer layer of the wall of uterus, there can be no symptoms and they are picked up incidentally during an ultrasound or other imaging of the pelvis. Based on the information given above and the fact that you have had children, I would suggest observing for the next 3 months for ongoing symptoms. The irregularity in periods might be a chance event or may relate to some stress or transitory factor that might have influenced your periods in the last two cycles. These may resolve and normal pattern and rhythm resume. In this case no further action would be required. I would suggest keeping a diary or record of day your periods started, number of days you bled for and amount of blood loss - the type and numbers of sanitary pads used/ presence or absence of
blood clots during your periods. If symptoms persist - such as irregular, heavy and painful periods, then we can re-scan in 3-6 months to assess any change in size or number of fibroids. If it shows change then, we can discuss further plan - to manage with help of medicines, hormonal coil or local uterine procedures.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.