My husband had an in office procedure to cut out a small skin cancer on his upper chest on August 18th. Stitches were removed in one week. The incision healed nicely but he noticed redness and itching on his chest but thought it was to be expected. Over the next month he has broken out in hives first on his lower torso and back, then legs, arms. Not thinking it was connected to the surgery he has gone to our primary physican twice and was treated for a heat rash, then fungus. Was also given a steroid shot. Nothing has helped at all. We read online where dissolving stitches can cause hives. Thinking there may have been dissolving stitches used along with the outer stitches he went back to the Dermatology office where the surgury was done, they would not say whether there could be a connection. Told him to take Allegra antihistimine and Zantac. We thought Zantac was for heartburn, but the PA said it would help this. My husband is miserable with this rash now covering his entire body and itching constantly. Please help us.