1. also known as
Mucha Habermann disease, it is probably caused by
hypersensitivity reaction to EBV [epstein barr virus] and since is a rare skin disorder will not cause any harm to your body and since no treatment effectively cure ptyriasis lichenoides thus apart from medicine, diet plays an important part:
. Take diet rich in protein,iron,
folic acid, brown rice, orange, green vegetables, wheat, barley, green gram,lemon,turmeric,bitter gourd,garlic, pomegranate,nutmeg,bitter and sweet (not sour) food, dry ginger, khadira, black pepper, long pepper, old clarified butter,honey,light exercise,massage, boiled and filtered water to drink, tea, coffee(not after meals or during periods of fasting)
.Avoid raw fruits, raw radish, too much oily food, over eating, brinjal, tomatoes, soap, jaggery,coffee,sour and sweet food,oil,curd,newly harvested cereals, incompatible foods, food with heavy, unctuous and cold properties, sesame,salt,black gram, milk,lisora,makoya, day sleeping, mental stress, excessive exercise.
.vitamin e-rich food: spinach, almond oil, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, and wheat germs are good for the skin problems.
.scalp should be
dandruff free.
.taking bath in sea water is very good for the skin treatment, similarly at home taking bath in Epsom salt or oatmeal containing water is also good.
skin infection of any type is precipitated by stress and disturbed immune system, hence medicines like Shankhpushpi, Sarpagandha, Brahmi,alongwith Suvarn Parpati ,
Ashwagandha,Shatavri, as Immuno modulators can be given.
Aloe vera cream applied locally has given/shown encouraging results.