My name is Jeff. I am currently taking 70mg of vyvanse daily. Very often I take 140mg a day. I know this is not the right thing to do but i feel it helps me tremendously to get through my work day.
My problem is that i am having many symptoms of rheumatic diseases such as cold hands and feet, my knees elbows hands and tricep areas get the purple veins. I have joint problems in my wrists, knees, ankles, neck and lower back (constantly cracking or having the urge to crack them). I also feel a muscle pulling from inside my right ear and jaw down the right side of my kneck and through my shoulder down to my right hip. I also feel muscles in my right shoulder blade pulling as well. Other symptoms include discharge (which i think is caused from myself getting NGU back in college) which happens from time to time. I get diarreha or constipation among a few other side effects to which I am not remembering. I drink tons of water daily and also exercise daily by walking a few miles. I am also 3 years removed from being a professional hockey player, so my body is still in decent shape.
My question is, can the vyvanse cause all of these symptoms? Is there another preferred adhd med to take instead other than adderall which did not work for me? Part of me tells me I am addicted to the meds but the other half says that 140mg works great for concentration and will to get through my work day. I am 5'11 at about 170lbs with a fast metabolism. Just trying to give as many facts as possible.