Hi. for the first time in my life I was told by an ultra sound that I have 2 kidney stones, one in each kidney, each about 1/2 cm. I am scared to death, not knowing what to do. The Dr says just drink a LOT of water and it should PASS or break down. I am now starting to feel an on and off sort of throbbing mild crampish kind of pain in my right front side. I am a woman. Question: am I supposed to wait for pain to arrive at any time soon? Could it pass without more pain? It seems too LARGE to do this without pain. HOW could I help pass it quickly before it maybe grows and becomes harder to pass? Tired of drinking water. Anything I can take naturally without medicine or do I need medicine? I prefer alternative or holistic or homeopathic remedies. I also recently discovered -incidentally through an MRi from a minor car accident, 1 .9 cm benign fluid-only cyst on each kidney. Are cysts and kidney stones related? I have never had a healthv issue in my life. My glucose was high at 98 and the AC1 hemoglobin at 6.1 high risk for pre-diabeyic type 2 THIS IS AN AWFUL DISEASE NOT IN MY FAMILY I am thin and maybe not enough of a love life, still single at 49 no kids hoping to have ONE with my commitment-phobic finally wanting marriage AND a kid boyfriend. EVERYthing at once, and so many needs. Please help me to feel at peace with all of these things. I don t know how the different conditions affect EACH OTHER. I just started taking a sugar controller herbal tea yesterday. I generally eat healthy my whole life and am shocked by all of this? Age maybe? No excuse. Not everyone has these things. I love life , a loooong life and want to get rid of the sugar problem, the stones and the systs and high choleterol NOW before anything happens. Thank you I am sorry if you need a credit card but I don t have one to pay anything Can I have one free question?