I have Crohns disease and have had a resection and now have b12 deficiency mainly due to Crohns in terminal ileum where b12 is absorbed. Prior to this I was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, I have been on many pills and recently been put on depokate. I ve had problems which i can attribute to b12 deficiency for years, so my question is could these problems and the bipolar diagnosis all be related to b12 as I ve taken numerous meds and still had problems with mood swings, could the depakote have hindered the b12 problem, and would folic acid be wise to take with the b12 injections when I soon start receiving or is that just needed with an oral suppliment to help b12 absorption. Would folic acid interfere with depakote. From my message you can tell I m very confused. Im starting to believe I don t have bipolar at all and this is all down to b12. I ve been saying to the docs I ve had problems with memory, numbness in hands feet arms and legs, extreme fatigue, which is hard to look after my daughter, trouble sleeping, confusion, headaches, which has always been attributed to stress but now I m beginning to think it s been a simple mis diagnosis, I m also worried that I ll have long term effects. I m thinking of gaining access to my medical records too as I believe the docs think I m some kind of hypochondriac and seeking attention. But I ve lost my appendix due to it taking them 5yrs to find out it wasn t ibs and Crohns disease and I ve had two breakdowns in this time also, not to mention side effects from the numerous bipolar drugs, not least the latest hair loss from the depokate.. Please could you give me some answers. T