Hi, I have had a very complex issue over the past 7 years. Due to a car crash years prior I had two major decompression surgeries with instrumentation C6-C7 in 2010 the other C5-C6 in 2012. After the first I was back to cycling 60+ miles per week, although the 2nd I had many pain & spasm issues & eventually undergoing Facet joint denervation (Due to Osteoarthritis, later proved to be totally incorrect) within a week of this procedure I collapsed with loss of feeling in my leg as I got out of bed. I immediately & near permanently had loss of balance/Non Epileptic Attack Disorder which was diagnosed years later along with Fibromyalgia, I also developed a severe speech stammer (fluent when not fatigued but very bad otherwise along with word finding difficulties) post surgical Neuropathic pain etc. Although having been checked in the past twice for MS which were negative (last scan 5 yrs ago or more) I m now having very bad Myoclonic type shoulder jerks & leg (I had also suffered tremors when in hospital) The muscle jerks, fatigue, memory loss & eye sight blurriness that comes & goes now MS is still an overriding concern. I must add that for at a period of 1 month & long before any operations but after the heavy whiplash accident I had a spell of the same walking issues that I have had now for 6 yrs or so. I use two stick, have weekly falls & can barely walk any distance even with sticks before totally fatigued . There are other symptoms but impossible to go over all here. Do you think I should still pursue another Neurologist consultation with a view of again looking for signs of MS (In my last test my spinal chord was not scanned & neither did I hav a Lumbar Puncture) Any advice on what I know is a complex issue would be very much appreciated especially your thoughts about MS, thank you. Kind regards, Jason Williams