Brief answer:
Things are expected to improve by themselves.
I am Dr Muhammad Ahmad. I have completely read you question and will try to guideyou through, breifly but comorehensively.
(1)Back Damage??: In My opinion your back bone seems to be healthy and safe that is why you dont have any movement or sesation issues and doing normal routine work well.
(2) Rib damage?
IN my opinion ribs are safe thats why you dont have sever pain on lyong down and breathing...It's usually impossible to breathe without pain with
broken ribs.
(3) Why pain? In my opinion
soft tissue like skin fat and muscles of you torso have got damaged so they are tender and you cant exercise or sleep as when the damaged structure gets pressed or its moved it pains...
WHERE ARE THINVS GOING? : In my opinion things are improving for you as you mentioned youself and you should keep improving as time goes buy till the day when everything will get perfectly normal.
(1) Save yourself from further
injury so that the already injured muscles and tissues get time to heal.
(2) Do not do hard expercise ...just do the bit which you can easily and when you start getting pain or difficulty stop white there... with time you will be able to do harder exercise but till then dont over
stress your healing body.
(3) Keep a keen eye on your progress...see if your condition is improving.
(4) If i were your doctor i would cave suggested you that in case of pain you can use over the counter
Tylenol 325 twice daily.
Can give area of pain heat and warmth so that spasmed muscles and tissues get relaxed.
(5) Take good protective measurments when you play sports even after recovery.
In my opinion getting back to normal may well take 2 and a half to three months in you condition so stay healthy and keep yourself positive.. i hope i was helpful if you have further questions kindly feel free to ask.Wish you health