I had a permanent tooth removed on tuesday due to the beginnings of an absess. However, the tooth broke on its way out and I had to go to a different dentist the next day to have that piece removed. The first dentist put my on antibiotics for 5 days, but the second thought my wound was healing nicely and said I only need to take them for three days. However, the gum around the extraction site has become achy and I used a mirror to look into the hole, (as it was an upperback tooth), and the hole is deep with black in it. What conerns me though is the angry looking reddy/whitey pimple on the inside edge of the hole, beside adjacent tooth. I've been taking my antibiotics religiously and doing a lot of salt water rinses. But I have been very weary of brushing around that area so I'm worried it's now infected. I have an appointment with the dentist on monday, should I just leave it until then, or book an earlier one?