Can understand your concern..
As per your complain
bruise and pain after being hit is due to
injury caused to the soft tissues as a result of trauma leading to inflammation and release of inflammatory exudate..
Along with it bruising occurs as a result of rupture to minor blood vessels leading to spillage of blood into the soft tissues and formation of
HEMATOMA and bruising..
Pain occurs as a result of inflammatory reaction as pain and swelling are signs of inflammation..
You should apply ice packs over the shin as it will help in relieving inflammation..
For pain anti inflammatory painkiller like
Ibuprofen or Advil can be taken..
Heparin gel and it will help in faster disruption of the bruises and hematoma..
Once the swelling slightly subsides start doing alternate warm and cold packs over the inflamed area as it helps in faster healing..
Elevate your leg while lying on bed..
You should also limit exertion so that the tissues heal faster..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..