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Stomach constant bloating is caused mainly because of air swallowing known as erophagia.
The other causes for stomach pain are
irritable bowel syndrome,
acute gastritis ,
celiac disease,sprue,bowel obstruction which all are must be ruled out by complete medical history and thoroughly clinical examination with some relevant tests.
You should undergo routine blood count,ESR, ultrasound abdomen and upper GI endoscopy (if not done earlier) to detect the underlying cause.
Chances of stomach leak would be very rare and if so,you would have severe
abdominal pain along with acute abdominal wall infection (peritonitis) which is a medical emergency.So do not bother about it.
You should do regular exercises to avoid bloating,distension and excessive wind and if you are still having
abdominal bloating or distension then you should start some medication like proton pump inhibitors,avoid excess carbohydrates and fatty foods, avoid oily and spicy foods.
Continue with your zofran 8 mg every 8 hourly and phenergan every 6 hourly.
If you still have these problems then u should go to gastroenterologist to treat underlying cause after going through all the investigations.