I can understand your concern. I can think of more than one possibilities for your case. Firstly, if we consider more common causes,
Vitamin B12 deficiency and spasm of the chin muscle can be considered.
Vitamin B12 level in blood can be determined by a
blood test. If deficient, supplements can be taken which will restore the level and help in suppression of the trembling. Muscle spasm can be diagnosed by specific muscle tests done by an expert, in your case, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. If it is found to be the cause,
physiotherapy to strengthen the chin muscles and muscle relaxants can help.
However, there is a rare disorder that causes chin trembling and is hereditary in origin. It is called "familial or hereditary trembling of chin". An oral surgeon can examine you for that and can help you understand the problem in detail. If this is the cause, then unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop the quivering as the defect is in the gene and cannot be corrected.
I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing HCM. Take care.
Dr. Viraj Shah