Dear sir, i have been on nexito-ls(escitalopram 10mg+clonazepam 0.5mg) for 3 years. drug helped me a lot and i have been developed from my illness (12 year long illness before starting the medicine;social phobia, small penis syndrome, panic attack, depression; they are all progressive from little to stronger to the 12th year.) with happy and planned to conclude the medicine i went to new psyciatrist(i took my medicine on my own since my doctor shifted to another state). he then began the new set of medicines even i dont need to be on medicine. but i continued his treatment as he is the specialist. but he gradually increased my medicines(desvenlafaxine 50,mirtazapine 15, agomelatonine 25, etizolam .5(twise),modofinil in the morning). i began to worry and i stopped going to him after 3 months. to stop the medicine i went to the nurologist in my town. he then cut off all the medicines but prescribe me another called flupendizole+ melitracine. currently i finished 15 days trial. and he again did it for one month. what should i do sir. cause i heard that the current combination is a banned drug. and also i want to be on my own. please help me. thanking you C.GURU 30.