Welcome to HCM.
You have history of repeated
abscess in skin folds. It is possible that you have infection due to MRSA (resistant staph aureus) bacteria. You should get the microscopy, culture and sensitivity of pus done.
Avoid scratching or draining of blisters at home. That can lead to further spread of infection. Any current blister should be drained by surgical
incision and drainage in clinic. You should take antibiotics (local or systemic) as per the sensitivity report.
You have not mentioned whether you have itching in the areas where you develop repeated blisters. If yes, than there is a chance of having
fungal skin infection as well. Repeated scratching may predispose to repeated occurrence of skin blister. If there is
fungal infection, than it needs to be treated by anti-fungal
ointments for long term relief.
You may also need to take several injections of long acting penicilline to prevent carrier stage of staph aureus.
As you have mentioned that your height is over 6 feet and weight is 300 pound. Your BMI is over 35 which puts you in the category of
Obese. Obese person is having a greater risk of developing this kind of skin problems and other disease which can make this abscesses difficult to heal and recurrent.
Your ideal weight should be under 200 pound.
You should also get your blood sugar (FBS and PP2BS) to rule out
I hope this will be helpful.
Take care.