Hello Doctor, I am Arun Age 23 India. I have side headache from 6 to 7 years. It was a daily play for it with me without reasoning. Everyday I was suffering with it, rarely it attacks in the morning, and all the other days in evenings. I has to sleep to get rid of it. English medicine was not working, so I used Ancient South Indian Sidha Medicine and Yoga to cure it. It was cured totally. But after few months it started attacking alternately with reason. Now when I do lot of physical work, it is an invitation for the pain. Or if I skip a meal, side headache starts attacking. I also have joint aches in the wrists and knees mostly, I feel pain when I lift the weight. Recently I figured out that a bone in the centre of my forehead is increased slightly. It is not paining but looking odd. Is there any relation between bones and headache? Please Give me some remedy or solution for this. Thank you.