My 5 month old has been sick with cold and/or allergy like symptoms since 4 weeks with no break, the symptoms my become more minor but have never cleared. They include cough in all form but never wheezing or whooping , itchy eyes which have gotten worst since the weather has gotten warmer and we have started opening windows, she has had a ear infection, runny nose that will become green and thick and then she runs a fever of 100 to 103. We suction her nose all the time along with saleen, use herbal rubs, and humidifiers. This will become clear again and she stops running the fever and the cough becomes more dry but never goes away and the other symptoms will still remain. The clearing up of the symptoms last for about a week and has happened 3 times. She still eats well, as long as long as the fever is not high and can be cranky with short spells of her being in a good mood. I have heard of babies being sick with colds often but 4 straight months this is crazy. Please help!