hello my name is john, I have migraines, and I live in las vegas nv, and every summer I go though hell today it is 115 degrees outside, I had to do some shopping, I only fainted and felt like I was going to die, my heart rate went up to 125 and my blood pressure was 145 over 90 which is odd because I do not have high blood pressure or heart diease, I had my heart check out by a very respected heart doctor in las vegas, and he ran 4 test and was in shock he said your heart is better than mine and I am in perfect shape and you rarely work out, I am 6 foot 1 and 260 lbs so my doctor said I am about 40 lbs overweight, but I was 315 lbs last year so I am doing very well with the weight loss, is this normal, my chest is hurting very bad, my head feels like I am gonna explode, and my hands and shaking like crazy is this all normal or is this serious thank you john