Thank you for asking at HCM.
I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions to you:
1. From your history, it seems you have had a good control of asthma symptoms with minimum medications and the control has been lost after coming to Australia. Of course, the change in environment has to do with it. If you do not have significant fever, please do not worry about viruses.
2. Were I treating you, I would suggest you daily
montelukast and "preventer" type of inhaler such as inhaled coritcosteroids or inhaled coricosteroids+formoterol/
salmeterol combination.
Once your symptoms would improve after at least 2-3 months of regular use of above medications, I would think of reducing your maintenance drugs.
3. Should you have any symptoms of
rhinitis -
nasal congestion, running nose,
sneezing, etc, I would also add an antihistamine like cetirizine/
levocetirizine to above drugs.
4. Personally I would suggest you to try to avoid exposure to dusts/smokes/air pollution as much as possible.
5. I would also suggest you
allergy testing which will help you to identify the substances you are allergic to and also to know how to avoid them.
6. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals will also help you in a long run.
Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you.
Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at HCM.
Wish you the best of the health.
Thank you & Regards.