Dr. twowhole &two broken teeth re uprooted for refittng upper jaw teeth.I had proper med. for that aiso,after 7\8 days iwas attacked severe fever i,e 105 F.Dentist advised me to have consultation with Phisician .Physician Zocef 500mg,Neksum 207&NutriRight tablets for 5&10days respectively.Now there is no fever ,but feel feverish,sleeping peel also prescribed,I had 20 cigs. a day,dr.advised to give up.I made it 04 a day.I m suffering from dearth of deep sleep,headache&weakness etc. Today he prescribed Antoxid of dr.reddy s,Matilda Forte&Zolfresh s 5 mg .The present troubles re due to giving up smoking? Can I 3/4cigs a day? I am 62&5 6 69kg&ihave high B.P. noblood sugar.