Hi, I am 23 years old, cannot grow much facial hair at all. It is really depressing. It makes me feel quite anxious, I have a normal amount of pubic hair, I guess medium hair on my legs and armpits (not worried there), but very little hair on my arms at all. Hardly any on my hands and feet. With just a little (very little) on my chin and mustache. I have a normal-high sex drive and a girlfriend who is older, it doesn't bother her, but it does bother me. I'm not sure about genetic disposition really, except that my father claims he wasn't that hairy at my age. I am also quite short 5'8-9 or so but my mother is very short so.. I was wondering could my seemingly slow/late development be from cigarettes or daily masturbation? I guess I am very habitual (you could say an addict) I try to stop the behavior but it's easier said than done. Anyways, any negative effects from that could it be causing it, should I be worried? I seem to be pretty normal in my feelings just not my development... I was always slower than classmates as well when I was younger. Thanks for your help.