I have been diagnosed with a staph infection on my right labia. I have had this reoccur 3 time in the last 5 years. Because the doctor caught it early this time, and there is only minimal pain, she has prescribed me an antibiotic (Bactrim) to heal the infection instead of draining the swelled spot. I had the last two drained, one in the ER and the other in surgery. It was very painful that time, and I never wanted to get it again. So here I am, missing work, and in pain.....doing what she asked me to do. I have taken lukewarm baths, and kept the area as dry and clean as a can, and have been taking the antibiotic. My question is this......is there ANYTHING else I can do to speed up the healing process? Also, How long do I have to wait until it is safe to make love to my husband again?