Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
Since the patient is 2 year old girl the history of pain in abdomen,
diarrhea, white mucus is highly indicative of intestinal infection;
Hence I would advise you the following in such a situation:
She needs the antibiotic active against intestinal infection,
metronidazole and probiotics for which you should
consult a Pediatrician as this is prescription based. She will also get a clinical evaluation and examination by the Pediatrician.
Tests of stool and blood help further.
Give her only boiled and cooled water.
Fresh homemade foods only.
Since she had the similar problems a few months age indicate that she is getting this problem through water for eatables and you should see that your daughter takes only fresh food and boiled water so that the recurrence does not occur.
Pare the nails short and put in a habit to wash hands with soap and water frequently, after visiting bathroom, coming from outside and after playing.