I was stung by a wasp or hornet a week ago on Friday, and now the area of redness is much larger and hard and swollen. I did not see a stinger, there was actually a piece of flesh missing as though a bite had been taken out. The area was red and painful. I applied triple antibiotic ointment after washing it. After the sting I was dizzy on and off for part of a day, which seemed to go away. About 2.5 days after the bite/sting, I had a severe stomach and back ache, nausea, vomitting, dizziness, and fatigue for about 48 hours. I felt better on Wed, now it is Saturday, and the site of the bite/sting is again very itchy and as I said earlier, red in a much larger radius 2 x3 , hard about 2 inches in diameter around the bite, and raised. Do I need to be concerned? Do I need to see a doctor or can I do some home treatment for it?