Can understand your concern..
As per your complain swelling 4 days after the extraction of wisdom tooth can occur as a result of infection at the site of extraction leading to inflammatory reaction and causing swelling..
It can also be due to dislodge blood clot leading to formation of
dry socket as well as the infection and inflammation in the extraction socket..
Amoxicillin and
clavulanic acid is appropriate for reducing the infection and ibuprofen will reduce pain and inflammatory swelling..
The action of antibiotics starts within half an hour or so but it takes time so that the infection is reduced considerably to show results..
Pain relief can be appreciated within 20 to 25 minutes after taking painkiller..
In case of
severe pain tramadol or
ketorol DT can be taken as they act against severe pain..
Do warm saline gargles..
Try to take the tongue out of mouth and try to open the mouth under limits of toleration..
Don't do hot compresses and you can do cold packs over the cheek for relief..
Once swelling get is reduced and if dry socket is seen irrigation of the socket with
hydrogen peroxide, betadine and saline and placement of
zinc oxide eugenic dressing will help in healing..
Hope your query is solved..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..