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The nature of depressive disorder is such that it may occur again.
I think you must try to figure it out, whether the sleeping problem of your wife is alongwith
depression (the symptoms being low mood, decreased interest and energy, low appetite and sleep etc.) or there is only sleeping problem and no depression. This is important because this will affect treatment.
If this is only sleeping problem, she can take tablet
zolpidem 5mg in night. If its with depression, she has to be started with antidepressants again.
Also please follow theses simple things:
1. Avoid napping in daytime.
2. Avoid fatty meals in night.
3. Avoid vigorous exercises and tea, coffee before bedtime.
4. Have good exposure to day-light.
5. Dont lie on bed idly.
5. Dont listen to loud music at bedtime.
Hope this information helps your wife.