Hi,DEAR,Good Evening,Thanks for the query.I studied it in details and understood your health concerns regarding it.
Lump caused on your wrist bone-is a Resolving Heamatoma with infection or a fibrosing Hematoma- with crack fracture?as its painful.
I would advise xray wrist-to fix the diagnosis-
Surgical Treatment of the bony lesion with hematoma- by NSAIDs and antibiotics,if needed is tried to start with.
If it does not go away then Surgical tratment would be needed from ER Surgeon as follows-
Treatment would depend on the cause-
a-Your ER Surgeon would -i- Aspirate it and treat it by antibiotic cover to wait for the healing .
ii-If it does not heal and grows in size-Hematoma-? or the fibrosed hematoma-could be drained / or Surgical Excision done.
Hope this would help you to plan the treatment with your doctor.
Wellcome for any further query in this regard.
Wishing you good health.
Good Night.
Dr.Savaskar M.N.