Hello and thank you for using HCM. I carefully read your question and i understand your concern.I will try to give you my opinion and some advises.
As you describe your
cholesterol levels are not quite normal. You are still young and you have a hereditary history for sudden death in a young ages in your family. So, it is time to do something for your cholesterol.
LDL cholesterol of 244 it is very high. I suppose we are dealing with a familiar dys-
lipidemia.This are hereditary pathologies when your
lipid metabolism have problems. The problem related with this kind of pathology is the difficulty to treat them, because cholesterol remain high even with a strong diet.
I thing you already know that low cholesterol diet is the first thing to do.
I advise you to have a diet reach with vegetables, to cut or avoid white bread, pizzas and deserts.This might help to low a little your cholesterol. I encourage you to continue training, this is the best think to do. Of course you might tell me that you are already doing this thinks without any result. So, it is advisable to start a treatment for your
lipids. It is true that the anti-lipid medications might harm your
liver but today there are some medications that escape from liver metabolism. This means that there are a kind of medication that might be used even in cases when the liver have some problems.
So, i will recommend you to discuss with your treating doctor for the possibility of using Pravastatine.This is a medication that helps to lower your lipids, and that is quite known to be used even with liver problems. But of course, it is the decision of the doctor after seeing other
blood test results.
I hope I gave you an information that might help you. Wish you good health. Best regards.