The basic resion of fibromylgia is
anxiety, improper sleep, and disturb lifestyle with mental stress.
There are three drugs which can be given for fibromylgia:
1. Pregabaline : helps to reduce anxiety and sleep disturbance.
Cymbalta and 3. Savella: both this are
anti depressant.
For permanant good relief I suggest my patient to improve their life style have good balance diet, proper sleep and rest, keep positive attitude towards any thing, and exercise regularly.
Here for fibromylgia regular exercise like stretching of pain full muscles and progressing towards strengthening the same muscles also help a lot for pain relief. But here the exercise has to be started on a gradual mode.
Apart from this, regular body warm up exercise like cycling and walking also helps for fibromylgia patient.
Your next question was for treatment on rheumatoid: here understand what happens with patient who are rhematoid positive. There will be auto immune inflamation in body which will damage not only the harmful cells but also the normal body cells and so that patient will have complain of pain and inflammation, swelling etc.
Here again the best treatment I suggest my patient is keep your self active. Do different joints and muscles mobility and flexibility exercise it will help a lot to reduce the inflammation and so that the condition will not progress.
Here for both fibromylgia as well rheumatoid also there is anti inflammatory diet available. Talk to your dietician to have more idea on it.
For detail exercise program. you can again check with your physiotherapist.
And for medication do not start on your own but check with your doctor. They will suggest you best since they have seen all your report.
Take care.