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Dear it is a benign chronic fibrosing inflammatory disease that affects the
adipose tissue of mesentry of
small intestine and colon. It has other names like sclerosing mesenteritis,
mesenteric lipodystrophy, mesenteric sclerosis,
retractile mesenteritis, mesenteric Weber-Christian disease, liposclerotic mesenteritis, lipomatosis and lipogranuloma of the mesentry etc..
Symptoms are nausea vomiting, diarrhea,
constipation feeling full quickly after you eat, loss of appetite, weight loss, bloating, lump in your abdomen, fatigue,fever...etc
Investigate by CT abdomen and blood tests, if blood tests are in conclusive, need biopsy of sample of tissue from mesentry.
This condition is chronic, but it usually isn’t serious or life-threatening. This condition may chances to develop Lymphoma and other cancers.
Don't worry please consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly.